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Our products

Elaboramos pellets (granza), para fabricar films y/o productos biodegradables e hidrosolubles a temperatura controlada.


Manejamos diferentes tipos de fórmulas y grados de hidrólisis, que pueden ir desde solubilidad a bajas temperaturas 2ºC hasta 80ºC.


Estas variaciones pueden fabricarse en transparencias, colores sólidos o semitransparentes, impresos o sin impresión y también, materia prima para que puedas fabricarlo ¡nosotros te acompañamos!.


© 2018~2024 The Green Team Corp.

Líderes para latinoamérica en material solubles en agua (hidrosolubles).


Marcas registradas:


Polivitalio ®: México por Green Team ® (Kabiax S.A. de C.V.)

BioSolubles ®: Costa Rica (Personal Evolution LTDA.)
KakiBolsa ®: Costa Rica (Personal Evolution LTDA.)

Laundry Detergent Sheets Earth Breeze

Biodegradable Detergent Sheets, with patented Nanotechnology that cleans and disinfects your clothes. Does not contain Phosphates, Triclosan or Parabens. Delicious and natural aroma of Jasmine!


1 Sheet of 5 gramsIt is equivalent to 250g of powder detergent and 220g of liquid detergent.

Biodegradables Costa Rica

Rolls of continuous bags, for pet waste.

Biodegradable material in organic waste up to 22 days. Flushable and certified compostable


Rolls of 10-12 bags at the customer's request. Available colors and printing

Guantes biodegradables
Water Soluble Gloves

Water Soluble Gloves, disposable and single use. Ideal for chemical and food handling. Once used they can be solubilized in water at more than 10ºC

Bolsa con adhesivo
security bag

Bags with adhesive flap 100% BlackOut.


It prevents the passage of light up to 99.78%. Inviolable adherence system

Body Bag Plastic Free
Body bag

body bag

92cm wide x 229cm Length (36.2in x 90.1in)

In case of incineration, it does not emit chlorine gases or CFCs

PVA raw material
water soluble film

PVOH Water Soluble Film.

Blow and Cast film.

Solubility temperature and film color options.

Bolsa de basura biodegradable

Jumbo Trash Bag

85cm Width x 120cm Height (33.4" x 47.24")

High resistance to weight and humidity. Soluble at 80ºC

White or color option

Bolsas hidrosolubles

DieCut Bags (Boutique).

Option of side bellows or interior bellows (bottom).

Color option, transparent and patterned.

Films Pods solubles en agua
Film for PODS

Films for PODS.

Available solubility temperatures (Celsius degrees):

5th - 15th - 25th


Biodegradables Costa Rica

Rectangular bags, loose one by one. Transparent option or colors. Solubility from 60ºC

Bolsas hidrosolubles
pesticide bags

High solubility bagsfrom 2ºC. Heat sealable

Bolsas Biodegradables para lavandería
flap bag

Bag for Ecommerce or textile industry. Resealable or inviolable adhesive. Prints available.

Bolsas para lavandería
dust bag

Continuous bag rolls, Transparent or Solid Color option. Printing available.

Bolsa compostable supermercados

Film soluble in hot water from 60ºC. It is recommended for transporting dry goods. It resists up to 4 times more weight.

Bolsas biodegradables

Continuous bag rolls for garbage. Option on or star-type central sealing. Color on request and print available

Earth Breeze Detergent Sheets Natural Load ® Detergente Biodegradable en Láminas
Green Team Oficinas
Costa Rica Biodegradables
H2OK Bolsas hidrosolubles
Fabricación de vasos Compostables HOME COMPOST Biovitalio ®
MATERIALES Biodegradables y Compostables Policanoico ®
PBX : ​+ 507 6208 1777

🇨🇷 +506 4106 5200

🇲🇽 +52 55 8788 8887

The Green Team Corp.

Head Office America: Financial Park Tower Boulevard Costa del Este, Ciudad de Panamá-Panamá

Biosoluble ® Costa Rica: Santo Domingo de Heredia, Costa Rica.

Green Team ® México: Coyoacán, CDMX, México.

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© 2024 The Green Team Corp. Green Team Mexico® Biovitalio® Polivitalio® Natural Load® Policanoico® Alquimia Bio® BioSoluble® are trademarks of The Green Team Corporation and partners. All rights reserved worldwide.
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