Water Soluble Bags & Films | Biodegradables | PLASTIC FREE | The Green Team Corp.
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Tropical Leaves


Bolsas Compostables hidrosolubles

Biodegradable, compostable and water-soluble bags

Our products, manufactured with a new patented technology, unique in the biodegradable materials market, have the highest international certifications. They are free of microplastic, do not affect marine life and decompose naturally: they do not need homemade or industrial compost.


We innovate with mold measurements: 12 - 16 - 25 - 35 - 45 - 60 - 65 - 85

But we do the measure you require! 


Films option TRANSPARENT and/or COLOR.

Printing: Up to 6 ink colors per side

Let your creativity be the limit!


Options in degrees centigrade:

2 - 5 -  15 - 25 - 45 - 60 - 80

Note: solubilization without microplastics 


For assembly of bags or sale of rolls we have: BLOW and CAST Films

Do you need rolls or bags? 


Did you know that water-soluble bags can be used and reused. In addition, if you use them as a garbage bag, when it reaches the landfill it will biodegrade as quickly as an orange peel .

Resistance test:

Did you know that water-soluble bags have a resistance 3.5 times greater than other compostable bags. However , they are made for the transport of dry products.

DieCut Bags (Boutique) :

Did you know  Bags in this format can be made: Envelope type, with side gussets or with a bottom seal. You choose! 

Tortuga en el arrecife

All our products have technical sheets, safety sheets and laboratory tests in the case of registers regulated by national laws to reveal or rule out the presence of certain polyolefins.

Custom projects

In any color

In any measure

One-sided or two-sided printing


Bolsa Biodegradable para Basura - Bolsa PVA

Bag measure
85cm Width
120cm Height
(33.4 inch

x 47.24 inch)

S: 20.32cm wide

27.94cm height

M: 30.48cm wide

40.46cm height

L: 38.1cm wide

55.88cm height

Bolsas Hidrosoluble T-Shirt - Bolsa Camiseta - Bolsas Biodegradables y Compostables Hidrosoluble

T shirt


Bolsa DieCut o Bolsa Boutique Hidrosoluble Biodegradable y Compostable The Green Team Corporation PVA

S: 20.32cm wide

27.94cm height

M: 30.48cm wide

40.46cm height

L: 38.1cm width

55.88cm height

Multipurpose bag

15.24cm wide

  20,32cm long

(6 x 8 Inch)

Bolsa Hidrosoluble Multiusos
Bolsa Hidrosoluble Sanitaria


with flap

Bolsa Ecommerce o Bolsa Adhesiva PVA Biodegradable - Bolsa Hidrosoluble Compostable

Measure according to requirement

Made to measure!

H2Ok Bolsas Hidrosolubles
Bolsas Hidrosolubles H2Ok Biosoluble
Rollo de bolsas para mascotas films de plásticos PVOH de colores biodegradable y compostable KakiBolsa

BioSoluble ®

Bolsa Camiseta Hidrosoluble Tshirt Bag Water Soluble Costa Rica
Bolsa Camiseta Hidrosoluble Tshirt Bag Water Soluble Costa Rica
Bolsa Camiseta Hidrosoluble Tshirt Bag Water Soluble Costa Rica
Bolsa Boutique Hidrosoluble Tshirt Bag Water Soluble Costa Rica
Bolsa Boutique Hidrosoluble Tshirt Bag Water Soluble Costa Rica
Bolsa Boutique Hidrosoluble Tshirt Bag Water Soluble Costa Rica
Bolsa para Basura Biodegradable Compostable Hidrosoluble
Poopy Bag Rollo de Bolsa para mascotas Biodegradables Costa Rica
Hidrosolubles Fecula de Yuca Costa Rica Biodegradables
Earth Breeze Detergent Sheets Natural Load ® Detergente Biodegradable en Láminas
Green Team Oficinas
Costa Rica Biodegradables
H2OK Bolsas hidrosolubles
Fabricación de vasos Compostables HOME COMPOST Biovitalio ®
MATERIALES Biodegradables y Compostables Policanoico ®
PBX : ​+ 507 6208 1777

🇨🇷 +506 4106 5200

🇲🇽 +52 55 8788 8887

The Green Team Corp.

Head Office America: Financial Park Tower Boulevard Costa del Este, Ciudad de Panamá-Panamá

Biosoluble ® Costa Rica: Santo Domingo de Heredia, Costa Rica.

Green Team ® México: Coyoacán, CDMX, México.

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© 2024 The Green Team Corp. Green Team Mexico® Biovitalio® Polivitalio® Natural Load® Policanoico® Alquimia Bio® BioSoluble® are trademarks of The Green Team Corporation and partners. All rights reserved worldwide.
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